How it Works

Step One
After sign up we will confirm a pickup address and contact info. Then we will drop off your composting gear complete with a countertop bin and collection bucket!

Step Three
When it comes close to your pick up day put all of the waste you collected into the 5 gallon bucket.
Step Four
Collection Day! Please have your bucket in an easily accessible area for us to pickup and exchange for a clean collection bucket.

Subscription Plans
Our residential plan is $39 a month for 1 pickup a week or 29$ a month for 1 pickup every 2 weeks. These plans include an odor filtering countertop bin and collection bucket. When your compost collection bucket is collected you will be supplied with a clean bucket.
If you don't want us to pick up from your residence then check out our Drop Off Plan. We hold two compost drop off events per month where you can give us your food, paper, & cardboard waste!
Pick up services are paused for a few months! Currently, we service the south shore of Oahu (From Ewa to Hawaii Kai) and the east side (From Waimanalo to Kaneohe); we apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact us by email or direct message to set up future collection in your area, we look forward to hearing from you!
Plans Currently Paused
0$Free Plan